Thursday 18 September 2008

Paralympics - my experiences...

I went twice, once to the Bird's Nest, where I got to watch a succession of 100m finals, as there are numerous categories of disability. The stadium is spectacular; unfortunately, it was a school trip - 300 kids to supervise (and navigate the incredibly busy tube with!), so it was a bit stressful, but still amazing to be inside the stadium. Some of the athletes achievements are incredible; I think seeing them in the flesh really made me appreciate it.

The second time I went was to the finals of the wheelchair rugby, where I saw the end of GBR narrowly losing the Bronze medal match to Canada; then the final, where the USA beat Australia in a great, really tight game. It is a remarkable sport - 4-a-side, almost more like basketball than rugby, but obviously with contact, and a goal instead of a hoop. However, there's no rules about passing backwards, and obviously no scrums or lineouts or anything. A great spectator sport!

Tickets to that cost me 30 yuan, which equals about £2.50! I went to the Bird's Nest for free (in fact, technically, I was being paid!). And beers at all Olympic events, 5 yuan, about 35p! Love it.

Finally, I didn't manage to get a ticket to the closing ceremony, but the choir which sang the British National Anthem in the handover section were from Harrow International School - where I am working! And I had taken many of their rehearsals, and trained them etc.

So I was dead proud.

The girls in the pink/orange, and the boys in grey/yellow - my students!

Plus I could watch the fireworks off my balcony...

Bring on 2012!

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